vineri, 27 august 2010

Ne vedem joi/ see you on thursday

This should have been firstly posted on the last thursday of july as I began my journey.

The more you travel, the more relative space becomes. If until a couple of years ago home was the house I once used to live in, I came to find out home is where your friends are, And sometimes you feel like home in a place you've been for the first time as long as there is someone there to share it with.

sometimes the most fascinating journeys don't involve traveling to a different country or city, but dicovering the beauty where you are. if you were a tourist in your city for a day, what would you do? what would you visit? if we would once in a while stop taking the same tram, walk the same streets and decide discovering something new... life would be much more interesting.

to be continued...

duminică, 22 august 2010

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.