marți, 7 octombrie 2008

about positive thinking

Life is a trip across an ocean with no map to show the way. It only reveals what you have already passed: that is you know what lies behind, yet only fumble through what is ahead. Even so, every sailor comes with their personal approach on travelling. Although, as previously stated, there is no a map to show the way to the destination, the beauty of the trip lies in discovering step by step the mysteries of life. This can be done in different manners, but what counts most is the attitude you do it with. Along the years more and more people have encouraged positive thinking as the “best way to travel by”. However, they never mention how far should this optimism go, to what limit can we only see the full half of the glass?
The way a sea trip involves not only the sailor, but also the boat, the weather, the crew and so on, life is not just about us, but our relationships, family, carrier, society, etc. Firstly, I believe that our relationships, be it with friends or family, are those that influence us most. Therefore, extra optimism developed in this field can cause a lot of damage. When our soul encounters pain, or sorrow, optimism will automatically lead to denial. At first it would be okay, however, the more we deny our feelings, claiming the opposite of what we feel, the more we cover and bury reality somewhere inside. We then, no longer conceive reality as it is, but as fragile as we have created it. Positive thinking should help one go through the struggle, and not avoid it, because pending problems will stack up and reveal themselves with greater intensity than before; and then, optimism will be hard to find.
More than that, one does not only struggle with emotions, but also with critical issues such as business decisions, where pragmatism is crucial. Here, positive thinking is considerable, as long as it holds a certain perspective: that of seeking opportunities, increasing the level of development, and offering a clearer, rational view of the situation. When optimism goes beyond this, it can lead to destruction. Think about a manager’s view of life as: “any choice is the right choice, no matter the consequences, it will end up somewhere, and we will manage.” I doubt he will get any far. Yet, there are people who believe so.
Nevertheless, optimism doesn’t reveal itself only in particular cases; it can be a way of life. After all, our attitude is something that is part of us; we belong to a system, a society, therefore, the way we act is in keeping with our view of life. None of us is alone, we share a world and a history; being too optimistic can often lead to ignorance. What if no one would care about global warming, pollution, natural resources and other things that influence all of us?
On the whole, positive thinking is not the issue; even more, it is a great thing to apply in one’s life. However, as with any other aspects of our lives, if taken to extremes, optimism will eventually lead to destruction. Our journey across the ocean of life can be the most fascinating adventure if we manage to adjust our sails to always reach the destination, regardless of the direction of the wind.

luni, 6 octombrie 2008


...renaste din cenusa azi

despre fericire...

„Forma reală a fericirii e nădejdea. Cine nu mai speră, nu poate fi fericit.”
(Victor Eftimie, vol. Spovedanii)

Sufletul uman a fost creat pentru veșnicie. Prin urmare, dorința fiecăruia de începuturi, de perfecțiune, beatitudine și dragoste necondiționată, tradusă prin fericire, este tocmai nădejdea. Pentru că dincolo de efemeritatea bucuriilor materiale, în realitate, așa cum afirmă și Victor Eftimie, “forma reală a fericirii e nădejdea. Cine nu mai speră, nu poate fi fericit”.
În primul rând, omul are capacitatea intrisecă de a recunoaște adevărul, deși se naște într-o lume imperfectă, el însuși fiind plin de ruine; are conștiința modului în care ar trebui să fie lumea. El nu a fost expus niciodată unei lumi ideale, dar şi-o poate imagina, şi chiar mai mult, şi-o doreşte intens. Așadar, purtăm în noi chipul Creatorului, deși nu L-am văzut niciodată, simțim Adevărul deși trăim într-o lume a minciunii. Ne naștem cu dorul după Eden, după dragoste, armonie, perfecţiune, sens veşnic, relaţii desăvârşite, după Infinit. Când acest dor după Eden întâlneşte adierea Edenului de altădată, sufletul rosteşte cu toată puterea: pe aici este drumul către casă! Astfel fericirea e aceasta adiere a Edenului, iar nădejdea e tocmai dorul nostru de casă; ele merg împreună.
Mai mult decât atât, fericirea nu e atât scopul împlinit cât drumul indârjit, lupta, raza care se întrevede dincolo de culmea pe care mă strădui s-o urc. Fericirea e un drum... iar ceea ce ne face să-l umblăm e speranța că la sfarșitul său vom atinge orizontul cu degetele noastre de carne și-l vom putea infășura în jurul încheieturii mâinii, ca pe-o brațară. Ceea ce ne indeamnă sa ne umblăm fericirea, e speranța că orizontul e din aceeași plămadă cu noi, sau că noi suntem făcuți din stofă de orizont, că transcedem, că suntem făpturi nemuritoare. Pentru că altfel, în fața drumului frumos, pavat cu bucurii și contraste, am rămâne orbi și muți... am ridica fericirea în palme și n-am ști ce să facem cu ea, nu i-am înțelege rostul în lume.
Astfel, speranța ne-nvață să pășim pietrele netede și luminoase ale fericirii, lăsându-ne sandalele sa se bucure de atingerea lor. Pentru că speranța ne dă sens, iar fără sens nu este fericire.

Bibliografie: 1. un filosof in viata :))
2. o "filosoafa" in viata :*

duminică, 5 octombrie 2008

ahhh lovely rainy autumn day...

de Ion Minulescu
În oraşu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Orăşenii, pe trotuare,
Merg ţinându-se de mână,
Şi-n oraşu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână,
De sub vechile umbrele, ce suspină
Şi se-ndoaie,
Umede de-atâta ploaie,
Orăşenii pe trotuare
Par păpuşi automate, date jos din galantare.

În oraşu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Nu răsună pe trotuare
Decât paşii celor care merg ţinându-se de mână,
În gând
Cadenţa picăturilor de ploaie,
Ce coboară din umbrele,
Din burlane
Şi din cer
Cu puterea unui ser
Dătător de viaţă lentă,
Şi absentă…

În oraşu-n care plouă de trei ori pe săptămână
Un bătrân şi o bătrână -
Două jucării stricate -
Merg ţinându-se de mână…

sâmbătă, 4 octombrie 2008

super eseu :)

“Lost time is never found again.”(Benjamin Franklin)
“Lost yesterday, somewhere between Sunrise and Sunset, two golden hours, each set with 6 diamonds. No reward is offered, for they’re gone forever.” (Thomas Mann)

Sometimes a friend, many times a foe, time has been measuring each heartbeat of our way regardless of our own conception of it. Every second that passes our mind and body leaves a mark that time was there. However, it is through the way we let it pass, that time shapes our beings. For seconds can be counted, but never caught. As Nichita Stanescu said “if only every second wouldn’t always belong to the past,” I believe that lost time is never found again, for none can re-live what has already happened, yet memories keep it alive.
On one hand, there is the time caught in Newtonian formulas… the time put in equations, the time measured by hourglasses, horologes, and circles in the hearts of the trees. This kind of time is a one way road, never coming back, just passing and altering things with its touch. It is irreversible and rapidly flowing like a whirling stream, reminding us of the fleetingness of life. “Real time”, as I would call it, is the pen we use to write our history, while taking a step forward in getting closer to eternity, to an unknown future.
On the other hand, memories stand for a time of emotions, dreams and great expectations, a time of wonders that does not need stiff reference points like past, present or future. The “emotional time,” therefore, is a quiet sea, hosting the essence of our being in memories, desires, hopes and fabulous quests. For instance, our memory is like an old attic where precious stuff lay next to the toys of the childhood and dusty family portraits. There’s no chronology in there. The emotional time is a “Where” not a “When”, a magic place of self finding, rebuilding, rearranging…where past mingles with present and future; for it is through the lens of the past that we look to our future.
How, then, can this be possible? How can somebody go back or travel forward in this static time of emotions that seems to bend as it pleases and defy the rules of the universe? It might be because of the relative way we see ourselves in keeping with reality. We do not conceive reality in absolute terms, but translate it in conventions that allow us to build it as a subjective map. We live, feel, think according to this map, acting and reacting to the symbols we used for the translation. Changing the symbols is changing the parameters of the map, and consequently, changing what we call reality. We are the ones who decide what stays on the map. Therefore lost time lies somewhere on that map. It is true that one can never reach it, as to let it pass through again, but it will always be there as a guide to what it is called future. In a way, the emotional time is our most intimate and cherished work of art, because it mirrors the essence of our lives. The emotional time is what we create, what justifies us as beings, what ennobles us, as the Pascal’s reed, in a universe that annihilates the ephemerides.
On the whole, time, in its complexity, reveals who we are, or better said why we are in a certain way. Seconds that fly our beings leave marks on the maps of our soul. It is true they will never return, nor will they ever be found, but the marks behind will guide us through the time ahead. To sum up, there is, indeed, a time that measures our wasting… but there’s another that dignifies our passing through life.

ps: thank you sis' :)